City demands removal of community RC car racetrack installation in California

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See you should reformat your head drives. I think that will help 🙃
So many discussions 🤔

Just you wait til you get old, you young whippersnapper! 😆

What the city should do then is find an area that is in need of a little cleaning up, and let the guys do that and build an RC playground. Maybe even help them out a bit to to really make it nice. It would maybe spark some more interest and get kids off their video games.

So what these guys should do is go to a council meeting and propose that. If they did it right, it might just get approved.
Well, shucks. Old thread or duplicate thread, it is still a topic of concern. A topic that most of us as individual RC'ers have little control over. Without a MSO (Major Sanctioning Organization) acting as a voice we be pretty much left hanging out in the wind and at the mercies of any and all private or public entities that may entertain and allow a RC presence.

That said, why is that manufacturers hesitate to step in and support RC'ers? Be it that their only interest is in selling us RC's and don't give a rip if we have a place to run them? Guys, the hobby needs external support. We alone are powerless as individuals to represent the hobby to the masses. Outside of perhaps or neighbors and onesies and twosies we happen upon. Beyond that an individual voice is no better than bloviating in the wilderness.

Been in this hobby twenty-five years and have yet to see it actively and favorably supported outside the niche industry that it is.

TV channel report is big bad city council harassing a hobby in the interest of whatever agenda they may be pursuing? Perhaps more to the story, but perception is reality. RC deserves better. -AC
How sad. They used a non-crawler in the background. But seriously, A nuisance?
The city can't take care of the homeless infestation, they sure don't have time to deal with a few people complaining about a place for rc's. Truth hurts.
The homeless would probably carry off their obstacles for use as shelter material anyway 😅
how did homeless get injected in this topic? To me this looks outside some commercial building..dont think its a legal setup..kinda like RC squatters
Did you even bothered watching the video before commenting?
Homelessness was mentioned by the news anchor within the first 10sec of the report.
The group initially got the an unofficial okay from some city officials, with the city even providing them dirt for this project.
how did homeless get injected in this topic? To me this looks outside some commercial building..dont think its a legal setup..kinda like RC squatters
Because that is where all the cities attention and funding goes these days. No time or money to deal with the mess the rc guys have made.
Because that is where all the cities attention and funding goes these days. No time or money to deal with the mess the rc guys have made.
They only deal with the people that want to be good citizens. The homeless, thugs, thieves, s-- workers and recreational chemical sellers all get a pass because it's too much work and the Cartel will tell them to stop bothering them.

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