An interesting take on the proposed DJI ban

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Informative presentation. Thanks for linking this thread to it.

Had to google "DJI" as I was not familiar with the term and finding out it was a Chinese firm not an acronym. A quick check of the Amain website shows they offer twenty (20) DJI drones in their inventory. And curiously enough, only DJI drones. No other makers drones are featured. My takeaway then is DJI must be a big mover in the market and supports the vid. At least in my mind with limited knowledge of the subject.

My concern has long been protection of the RC frequencies, surface (esp.) and air both. Ever since DHS (Dept. of Homeland Security) was formed in response to 911, have been expecting to wake up one day and find those frequencies no longer available to the RC hobbiest. Hopefully (which, by the way, is not a plan) there is a voice on capitol hill and in state legislatures looking out for the interest of the RC'er.

Be it surface or air. Thinking the vid is spot on in voicing concern for the pending legislation. More research on my part before firming up a final opinion. Be of interest to hear what the prop-tops on here with knowledge of the subject have to contribute. -AC
I gotta start way off topic to get to my point. I look at this the exact same way I do the bans that big companies have tried to put on the vaping industry. First off, there has been a ton of misinformation spread about vaping over the years, and it continues today. Guess who's behind it? Big tobacco and big pharma. These big companies have lobbied politicians to push legislature to ban vaping products for over 20 years simply because the money made from the sale of tobacco products is far too much for them to let go of. And the taxes the government makes off of tobacco has been in jeopardy because so many people quit smoking and started vaping.

Phillip Morris, Johnson & Johnson, and many other huge corporations have funneled billions through lobbying into the hands of crooked politicians, that are more than happy to push their agenda. Countless numbers of petitions have been signed and sent to legislators in all areas of government, and most have amounted to absolutely nothing. Politicians are all about money, so they vote for whatever makes them more of it.

I could go so deep into this subject and write you a book, because I was a very informed vaping advocate for about 8 years. But let me just say that before all this... I could make a bottle of ejuice for less than $1.00. The laws passed have made it ridiculously difficult to buy the nicotine and vape flavoring to make ejuice now. And you can't buy that same bottle for less than $20 from a vape shop now because the government has managed to stick their hands so deep up the vaping industrys' asses that it has basically won. And guess who is paying?

So this crap is no different. Whether they get this bill passed or not, they will keep introducing new bills that inch by inch will get them to their goal. The politicians will tiptoe around every setback and defeat by attacking from a different angle. Eventually they will win and the little guy buying the drones as a hobby will pay the price. And the large corporations pushing this bill along with the crooked politicians will profit from it.

I applaud people like the guy in the vid for doing his best to spread the word about the crooked stuff going on behind the scenes. But untill we march on Washington and take every politician and toss them into the Atlantic, it's never going to stop.
Anytime the government wants to ban something, I typically oppose it. This is no different. If we were that concerned about national security, there's far more serious threats than some dude in China seeing what my drone sees. Seems to me it's just about money.

Now, to an extent, I'd rather see American companies selling the majority of the drones flown here in the US, but we all know that's a false narrative. The so called 'American company' getting all their parts from and labor to assemble from China, is not the solution.

As someone who owns and currently operates a DJI drone, I think the company in general kinda stinks. Horrible customer service, descent product, but they don't stand behind it. I don't recommend DJI products to anyone but the options are pretty limited.
Anytime the government wants to ban something, I typically oppose it. This is no different. If we were that concerned about national security, there's far more serious threats than some dude in China seeing what my drone sees. Seems to me it's just about money.

Now, to an extent, I'd rather see American companies selling the majority of the drones flown here in the US, but we all know that's a false narrative. The so called 'American company' getting all their parts from and labor to assemble from China, is not the solution.

As someone who owns and currently operates a DJI drone, I think the company in general kinda stinks. Horrible customer service, descent product, but they don't stand behind it. I don't recommend DJI products to anyone but the options are pretty limited.
If this was about national security, maybe they should have done something about the balloon with the schoolbus sized payload that drifted all the way across the country 😉

I was thinking about something the other day. I wonder how much money we send to China for the fireworks we light off to celebrate our independence. Seems kinda disturbing if you really think about it. Pretty sure we can make decent fireworks here instead of paying them to do it. Why don't the politicians do something about that?
I almost brought up the baloon but I don't want to go off on a rant. Sometimes I get started and can't stop.
Same here. I try to stay away from politics on here, but that's basically what this thread is. And I agree. Anytime they are trying to ban something, it usually is about money more than anything. So I hate seeing the government stick its nose into just about anything.

I wish I could afford a DJI drone. But not really sure what I'd use it for unless I managed to be able to go to the local RC track. Would be fun to get some aerial race footage with one.
Personally, I think all Chinese products should be banned in the US. The government has banned any computer equipment made in China because they like to plant little gremlins in their stuff to spy on other people and countries. That being said the gov/big business connection is despicable and in a country with leaders that really cared about their country, it would be illegal and punished.
Same here. I try to stay away from politics on here, but that's basically what this thread is. And I agree. Anytime they are trying to ban something, it usually is about money more than anything. So I hate seeing the government stick its nose into just about anything.

I wish I could afford a DJI drone. But not really sure what I'd use it for unless I managed to be able to go to the local RC track. Would be fun to get some aerial race footage with one.
I want one but for photography reasons. But the govt. has made it not worth the hassle, which is their goal.
I want one but for photography reasons. But the govt. has made it not worth the hassle, which is their goal.
Me too. Not a flier but do want to sometime contract a drone vid of an event on my backyard grasstrack. Looking more and more like won't happen because of impending legislation evoking restrictions that will put hobby RC drones in the too-hard-to-do box.
Good morning to all-
Interesting discussion here.
To be honest, I really don't give a rat's ass what the "restrictions" are on drones. I have a few DJI drones because they are superior to anything else in the same price range. I enjoy flying my drones, and where I live and fly, I really don't have to pay much attention to how far, how high, where I fly- hell, it's the backwoods of coastal Alabama.
I know the government "restrictions" but in general, I ignore them. Anyway, DJI drones have built-in "NO FLY" stops- mostly around military, government and metropolitan areas- very few of which apply to me.
And as far as banning DJI drones, that will never happen. Too many US companies are making too much money from DJI drones.

A lot of mouth noise is being made, but as has been said, "When everything is said and done, a lot more will be said than is done."

you all be safe and keep well- Ed
Good morning to all-
Interesting discussion here.
To be honest, I really don't give a rat's ass what the "restrictions" are on drones. I have a few DJI drones because they are superior to anything else in the same price range. I enjoy flying my drones, and where I live and fly, I really don't have to pay much attention to how far, how high, where I fly- hell, it's the backwoods of coastal Alabama.
I know the government "restrictions" but in general, I ignore them. Anyway, DJI drones have built-in "NO FLY" stops- mostly around military, government and metropolitan areas- very few of which apply to me.
And as far as banning DJI drones, that will never happen. Too many US companies are making too much money from DJI drones.

A lot of mouth noise is being made, but as has been said, "When everything is said and done, a lot more will be said than is done."

you all be safe and keep well- Ed
Not that I'm suggesting you violate restrictions on altitudes and such, but if you ditch the DJI flight software and go to litchi or just about any other software, the restrictions are removed.

The range on my phantom is 3-5 miles and with antenna boosters you cam increase that a bit. I might know a guy that's flown high enough to see the top side of cloud cover.
Not that I'm suggesting you violate restrictions on altitudes and such, but if you ditch the DJI flight software and go to litchi or just about any other software, the restrictions are removed.

The range on my phantom is 3-5 miles and with antenna boosters you cam increase that a bit. I might know a guy that's flown high enough to see the top side of cloud cover.

Mr. Good wrench-
It's funny, but I might just know another feller who has seen clouds- from the up side from a drone...

And where in Missouri do you live? I lived for quite a while south of Rolla-back in the puckerbrush of Texas County.

you all be safe and keep well- Ed
I'm about an hour and a half north of Kansas City. A little po dunk town in the middle of nowhere called Agency. I've heard of Rolla but never been there.

I use parabolic reflectors and get a pretty decent range boost. Much more range though and you might be looking at a 1 way trip with the factory batteries.
It's too bad that DJI is increasing security in drones and some people want to ban them. I won't know what to get if this goes through.
I gotta start way off topic to get to my point. I look at this the exact same way I do the bans that big companies have tried to put on the vaping industry. First off, there has been a ton of misinformation spread about vaping over the years, and it continues today. Guess who's behind it? Big tobacco and big pharma. These big companies have lobbied politicians to push legislature to ban vaping products for over 20 years simply because the money made from the sale of tobacco products is far too much for them to let go of. And the taxes the government makes off of tobacco has been in jeopardy because so many people quit smoking and started vaping.

Phillip Morris, Johnson & Johnson, and many other huge corporations have funneled billions through lobbying into the hands of crooked politicians, that are more than happy to push their agenda. Countless numbers of petitions have been signed and sent to legislators in all areas of government, and most have amounted to absolutely nothing. Politicians are all about money, so they vote for whatever makes them more of it.

I could go so deep into this subject and write you a book, because I was a very informed vaping advocate for about 8 years. But let me just say that before all this... I could make a bottle of ejuice for less than $1.00. The laws passed have made it ridiculously difficult to buy the nicotine and vape flavoring to make ejuice now. And you can't buy that same bottle for less than $20 from a vape shop now because the government has managed to stick their hands so deep up the vaping industrys' asses that it has basically won. And guess who is paying?

So this crap is no different. Whether they get this bill passed or not, they will keep introducing new bills that inch by inch will get them to their goal. The politicians will tiptoe around every setback and defeat by attacking from a different angle. Eventually they will win and the little guy buying the drones as a hobby will pay the price. And the large corporations pushing this bill along with the crooked politicians will profit from it.

I applaud people like the guy in the vid for doing his best to spread the word about the crooked stuff going on behind the scenes. But untill we march on Washington and take every politician and toss them into the Atlantic, it's never going to stop.
Warning: the following is only a personal opinion, and should not be taken personally, or as truth in reality for anyone or thing, amd may or may not be factual, and shouldnt be seen as an attack or condescending in any level to anyone and is only a thought that can be debated or spoken about on a civil rational level, without offence needing to be taken. Opinions dont have to agree to set differences aside and just let such things as opinion stop peaceful banter and civil discussion from being had. How can issues get resolved without talking.

Speaking of talking, Disclaimer: i can be very opinionated, not onionstated, just opinionated, and i dont expect anyone to agree with it and it doesn't bother me if anyone doesn't, I'm not forcing anyone to, but I'm not afraid to speak it. I also can have quite a lot of opinion. Yeah i know, omg this guy. If grammar, and long messages bother you, you dont have to continue reading, i understand, not everyone have the patience it takes to sit through msgs. I barely can sit through typing them, i can only imagine reading them. You dont have to comment either about how your not going to read it either, because really its funny when people do that and expect there msg to be read after saying they can't read in return.

To the main comment pirtion though. I can definitely agree on the misinformation and everything and much being due to lobbyists and big business asserting power and propaganda to sway public opinion definitely. As far as vaping to i definitely can also stand behind your information about big tobacco and all. I quit smoking entirely a couple years ago now. But i smoked and then vaped alltogether about 20 years, about yeah roughly eight of those vaping and towards the beginning of vaping it was both. I used to go to the shops and teach how to make all the custom coils like the clapton, or alien coils, really crazy but fun builds to rock in the coil, but thats before premades were really on the shelves, like pre smok.

I can say your correct that this dji thing is also made out to be much more than it actually is, however at the same time i really do and can see the national security situation being something everyone should really take into consideration. Now i know its bad enough we have our own government doing it to everyone, but they also do it to us and we dont even like that, so we definitely arent going to like another nation flipping that switch and having that access as well.

Given the surveillance state our gov is showing to be, and how much more of a serveillance state china is at least to there own people, cameras at every interstection etc, its not hard to put it past them to at some point in the future decide to pull its assets and one like dji with as powerful of a technology as it is on top of having the ability to later use the connection thats built in to tap into here.

Now i wouldnt be as hard on the subject if this wasn't a current practice and it was open to everyone like we are to everyone else but its not right either that we cannot access anything there, unless its strictly opened by the gov there and monitored otherwise nothing can be collected information, personal, or publicly related to china and blocked by them but its 100% okay for them to continuously hack, collect, and bot our servers and of foreignors to them whenever they please.

They can even connect and interact but not vice versa. If we are to be fair then it should be mutual.
Theres so much that isnt mutual between china and the world and it expects more than it will do in return.
Considering the amount of benefit we have brought them. Because we could have just payed higher product prices and kept the economy localized and kept manufacturing as well, and they would have still been happy selling resources, and be in a far worse place than they are, but we have been quite open to them with little to no threat realistically from us because wars have been over between a lot of the larger powers globally for it to make rational sense for sudden militarization and now hostility from chinas gov.

Btw when i say they or refer to china i am only speaking of ccp or leadership, not the people of china as civillians are not their government, which is obvious even here in america, and even ours has issues that its made that it should have to answer for that isnt acceptable either in a few areas, gov in general is a dangerous thing, but will always be necessary in any orderly civilization, because at some point, people just plain and simple become to content and lazy and some become not content enough, and some just want to watch the world burn and so peace will have to be managed which also needs someone to assert that to any making unnecessary drama.

But it needs regulated, and limits need to be enforced by the people.

Its how lobbyists have gain so much power and enfluence like with what we see here. I would be definitely on the allowing dji to conduct business here because businesses should have a chance anywhere till they step over regulation and breach agreements.

However, theres still the concern of the type of technology in question, the current state of global tensions, and the tactical application of the technology of the subject and its practical uses in already in service units and the level of risk if the worst of possibilities happened to occur and they decided you force compliance and take dji's assets and use it against america either covertly or direct engagement.

Added to the major shift china has made into drone technology and application militarily. With dji being a leading component of the industry in the tech, its only a matter of time till their research and developments get requested, theirs no way to deny that happening. Our government would. Why wouldnt theirs.

I wouldnt be angry if we had a product that could be utilized by our military that gets distributed being used by our gov to gather data that sais its a different product and sold to the masses that could be used later, but get banned for being possiby used against china because it only makes sense, since its something obviously we wouldnt like it much either.

I feel the best situation or way for dji to conduct business here would be to change warranty and agreement terms and alter the tech to create a platform to market here that eliminates the risk that they try to use against them and eliminate the access they require to use certain features like having a link to them, that they can access that could be constrewed as a possible tool for foreign military here.

If that uplink alone wasn't there, theyd have no argument against dji outside operator ignorance crashing it into things damaging others properties. Either that or give the same possible access to all governments so its available across the board so theres little reason to argue over it period but the removing it would be the better option on a privacy basis.

I do understand the reason for the links and the uses they are for and that that are consent based currently and used for warranty purposes especially in the fly away claims. They also use the distance factor against them which to some degree i canunderstand especially if someone us flying a mile or two away from them way outside of visual distance, and either being clumbsy and crashing causing damage far beyond where they should have been flying, or to eves drop on whomever, those are concerns and regulations that are needed, but worst thing they also bring is a destruction to the hobbyists and the little airways left to enjoy unless you want to go through getting a commercial drone operator license.

Theres two sides on this that both have good reasoning why and why not this should or shouldnt happen. Dji unfortunately is in a bad position given the situation on hand, and the technology in question especially with the direction the technology has been implicated into both civillian and military assets which makes it a questionable and easily politically driven subject to get intertwined with and have a conflict between good or bad.

Its something that you really only want to be correct that its used for benifitial reasons productively not harmefully, but its a technology that if wrong and made into a weapon platform and thanks to the sheer amount of data they can pull from with the amount of overpaying beta testers flight transmissions to improve the system, it would be probably the worst thing we could have allowed to become such as it would or will dominimate depending on how things play out.

Hopefully i can rest and just be content on being a crazy person with way to much time to waste contemplating the many possibilities that can result from whatever subject I'm thinking about when i am able to slow it down to one subject, but regardless, at least it would mean things are still good, except me, probably best just put a lock on my cage and leave me with my imagination and tools and leave me to create than let me get started on deep talks. Or else you get this ☝️🙄😮‍💨😵‍💫.

Okay now that I've alienated myself and made me look crazy ima cut it off here

☝️ Or there,
or there 👉, but definitely not there 👈

Can you tell its my weekend? 🤡

Warning: the following is only a personal opinion, and should not be taken personally, or as truth in reality for anyone or thing, amd may or may not be factual, and shouldnt be seen as an attack or condescending in any level to anyone and is only a thought that can be debated or spoken about on a civil rational level, without offence needing to be taken. Opinions dont have to agree to set differences aside and just let such things as opinion stop peaceful banter and civil discussion from being had. How can issues get resolved without talking.

Speaking of talking, Disclaimer: i can be very opinionated, not onionstated, just opinionated, and i dont expect anyone to agree with it and it doesn't bother me if anyone doesn't, I'm not forcing anyone to, but I'm not afraid to speak it. I also can have quite a lot of opinion. Yeah i know, omg this guy. If grammar, and long messages bother you, you dont have to continue reading, i understand, not everyone have the patience it takes to sit through msgs. I barely can sit through typing them, i can only imagine reading them. You dont have to comment either about how your not going to read it either, because really its funny when people do that and expect there msg to be read after saying they can't read in return.

To the main comment pirtion though. I can definitely agree on the misinformation and everything and much being due to lobbyists and big business asserting power and propaganda to sway public opinion definitely. As far as vaping to i definitely can also stand behind your information about big tobacco and all. I quit smoking entirely a couple years ago now. But i smoked and then vaped alltogether about 20 years, about yeah roughly eight of those vaping and towards the beginning of vaping it was both. I used to go to the shops and teach how to make all the custom coils like the clapton, or alien coils, really crazy but fun builds to rock in the coil, but thats before premades were really on the shelves, like pre smok.

I can say your correct that this dji thing is also made out to be much more than it actually is, however at the same time i really do and can see the national security situation being something everyone should really take into consideration. Now i know its bad enough we have our own government doing it to everyone, but they also do it to us and we dont even like that, so we definitely arent going to like another nation flipping that switch and having that access as well.

Given the surveillance state our gov is showing to be, and how much more of a serveillance state china is at least to there own people, cameras at every interstection etc, its not hard to put it past them to at some point in the future decide to pull its assets and one like dji with as powerful of a technology as it is on top of having the ability to later use the connection thats built in to tap into here.

Now i wouldnt be as hard on the subject if this wasn't a current practice and it was open to everyone like we are to everyone else but its not right either that we cannot access anything there, unless its strictly opened by the gov there and monitored otherwise nothing can be collected information, personal, or publicly related to china and blocked by them but its 100% okay for them to continuously hack, collect, and bot our servers and of foreignors to them whenever they please.

They can even connect and interact but not vice versa. If we are to be fair then it should be mutual.
Theres so much that isnt mutual between china and the world and it expects more than it will do in return.
Considering the amount of benefit we have brought them. Because we could have just payed higher product prices and kept the economy localized and kept manufacturing as well, and they would have still been happy selling resources, and be in a far worse place than they are, but we have been quite open to them with little to no threat realistically from us because wars have been over between a lot of the larger powers globally for it to make rational sense for sudden militarization and now hostility from chinas gov.

Btw when i say they or refer to china i am only speaking of ccp or leadership, not the people of china as civillians are not their government, which is obvious even here in america, and even ours has issues that its made that it should have to answer for that isnt acceptable either in a few areas, gov in general is a dangerous thing, but will always be necessary in any orderly civilization, because at some point, people just plain and simple become to content and lazy and some become not content enough, and some just want to watch the world burn and so peace will have to be managed which also needs someone to assert that to any making unnecessary drama.

But it needs regulated, and limits need to be enforced by the people.

Its how lobbyists have gain so much power and enfluence like with what we see here. I would be definitely on the allowing dji to conduct business here because businesses should have a chance anywhere till they step over regulation and breach agreements.

However, theres still the concern of the type of technology in question, the current state of global tensions, and the tactical application of the technology of the subject and its practical uses in already in service units and the level of risk if the worst of possibilities happened to occur and they decided you force compliance and take dji's assets and use it against america either covertly or direct engagement.

Added to the major shift china has made into drone technology and application militarily. With dji being a leading component of the industry in the tech, its only a matter of time till their research and developments get requested, theirs no way to deny that happening. Our government would. Why wouldnt theirs.

I wouldnt be angry if we had a product that could be utilized by our military that gets distributed being used by our gov to gather data that sais its a different product and sold to the masses that could be used later, but get banned for being possiby used against china because it only makes sense, since its something obviously we wouldnt like it much either.

I feel the best situation or way for dji to conduct business here would be to change warranty and agreement terms and alter the tech to create a platform to market here that eliminates the risk that they try to use against them and eliminate the access they require to use certain features like having a link to them, that they can access that could be constrewed as a possible tool for foreign military here.

If that uplink alone wasn't there, theyd have no argument against dji outside operator ignorance crashing it into things damaging others properties. Either that or give the same possible access to all governments so its available across the board so theres little reason to argue over it period but the removing it would be the better option on a privacy basis.

I do understand the reason for the links and the uses they are for and that that are consent based currently and used for warranty purposes especially in the fly away claims. They also use the distance factor against them which to some degree i canunderstand especially if someone us flying a mile or two away from them way outside of visual distance, and either being clumbsy and crashing causing damage far beyond where they should have been flying, or to eves drop on whomever, those are concerns and regulations that are needed, but worst thing they also bring is a destruction to the hobbyists and the little airways left to enjoy unless you want to go through getting a commercial drone operator license.

Theres two sides on this that both have good reasoning why and why not this should or shouldnt happen. Dji unfortunately is in a bad position given the situation on hand, and the technology in question especially with the direction the technology has been implicated into both civillian and military assets which makes it a questionable and easily politically driven subject to get intertwined with and have a conflict between good or bad.

Its something that you really only want to be correct that its used for benifitial reasons productively not harmefully, but its a technology that if wrong and made into a weapon platform and thanks to the sheer amount of data they can pull from with the amount of overpaying beta testers flight transmissions to improve the system, it would be probably the worst thing we could have allowed to become such as it would or will dominimate depending on how things play out.

Hopefully i can rest and just be content on being a crazy person with way to much time to waste contemplating the many possibilities that can result from whatever subject I'm thinking about when i am able to slow it down to one subject, but regardless, at least it would mean things are still good, except me, probably best just put a lock on my cage and leave me with my imagination and tools and leave me to create than let me get started on deep talks. Or else you get this ☝️🙄😮‍💨😵‍💫.

Okay now that I've alienated myself and made me look crazy ima cut it off here

☝️ Or there,
or there 👉, but definitely not there 👈

Can you tell its my weekend? 🤡
Geeze that things like the size of an entire darn forum page, wow. Yeah i dont blame anyone for not reading, i sure as heck aint.

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