Anybody into bird watching?

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Common Grackle
Common Blackbird here 😄

Funny how different areas of the country have different names for things. My dad used to be big into photography and birds. He built an addition onto the house with a big picture window. Thinking back, I think he built that just to have a place to watch his bird feeder while drinking his coffee.
Grackles have the coolest eyes. :thumbs-up:
They do, they're also very good parents. They'll group up and attack any cats or hawks that show up in the yard.

If I could shoe away any bird from my yard it'd be the European Starlings, they just devour everything and make a mess.
They do, they're also very good parents. They'll group up and attack any cats or hawks that show up in the yard.

If I could shoe away any bird from my yard it'd be the European Starlings, they just devour everything and make a mess.
My dad hated those birds too. They'd fly in and clean out his bird feeder.
Depending on the time of year, we get a lot of crows, bluejays, mocking birds, some hummingbirds, sparrows. Also in the immediate area, red tailed hawks, redwing blackbirds, turkey vultures, and egrets. Almost forgot Canada Geese, we have tons of those. These are all of the common birds in my neighborhood and surrounding few blocks.
I use to see lots of Bluejays. Not so much this year. Wonder why? I still see the cardinals. And crows. Many types of finches. I have like 3 bird books. I saw a goldfinch last year. Woodpeckers, two different types. And indigo birds.
Yeah they do. And lots & lots of robins. 10 or 12 maybe at a time sometimes hopping around in the back. And my neighbor has a mulberry tree & the cedar waxwings come in droves.
You guys ever seen the movie The Big Year? Pretty good movie. Jack Black, Steve Martin, and Owen Wilson.
You guys ever seen the movie The Big Year? Pretty good movie. Jack Black, Steve Martin, and Owen Wilson.
No, but I looked it up. Interesting. Neat cast. Pretty cool it's about bird watching!
I'll have to check it out.
It's about them all trying to break the record for most birds seen in a year. And I'm pretty sure it's based on a true story.
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I went out back and just happened to have my phone on me. I looked up in a tree and saw something yellow. So I dug my camera out and zoomed in thinking I'd get a pic of the Yellow Breasted Chat Breydon and I saw the other day. Instead, it was a leaf 😝

But then, I saw a flash of yellow, and heard the strange calls, and right next to it appeared this guy. He was too far away for me to get a good video, but it was him again.

I wasn't really sure it was him until I was walking back inside and he changed his calls. It is definitely him.