An interesting take on the proposed DJI ban

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Reading online DJI recently put a package atop Mt. Everest on some sort of mission. Quite a feat for a prop powered drone. Understand why it is such a popular brand here in the US. It works.

So the US solution is to ban it rather than compete and try to offer a competitve product? I think it is a weak argument DJI being a risk to national security. If the US cannot protect against info gathering by a drone, then there are bigger problems to deal with at the national level than banning DJI. But then again, US wasn't able to down a balloon drifting fully across the country. Probably need to ban them too. That'll fix those commie pinko's. ;) -AC
Reading online DJI recently put a package atop Mt. Everest on some sort of mission. Quite a feat for a prop powered drone. Understand why it is such a popular brand here in the US. It works.

So the US solution is to ban it rather than compete and try to offer a competitve product? I think it is a weak argument DJI being a risk to national security. If the US cannot protect against info gathering by a drone, then there are bigger problems to deal with at the national level than banning DJI. But then again, US wasn't able to down a balloon drifting fully across the country. Probably need to ban them too. That'll fix those commie pinko's. ;) -AC
I do agree we need to compete but some have tried and the cost just isnt their yet for it to sustain itself. The balloon though, idk why it was even let over the states before acting to it rather than waiting till it got to the other side. I wouldnt be upset if one of our faced the same fate knowing what theyre for which is why i dont understand why it was just watched as it watched us watching it. Instead of media making it a big deal like they do everything it should have just been used as a training excercise for high altitude intercept. But media can only report the negative juicy stuff that they know will get overreacted to and blown 10x over proportion, kinda like our proportional reaction our military tends to act with. Those though can sometimes be necessary and its always good to get the message across the if they want to FAFO, just antagonize us enough that its excused. But the drone itself as far as national security is the fact that being it has connectivity to the company who made it, if allowed in our market, can be sent out on our own soil whether it have competition or not. Especially when theres also possible military personel coming in through immigration routes that are military age that dont exactly get tracked and no information or plans to explain why they have needed to migrate here when things are so peachy over their as china claims. Now lets say that our military doesn't have a practical way of competing or nuetralizing the risk currently and thus needs to create a way or develop the means to efficiently, it would be best to slow the advancement of the competing drone by not allowing the data its able to provide on the performance which is how it got as far as it has to begin with. And since data is open and accessible to them from us but nothing being shared back, not even telemetry data for first stage boosters of rockets to minimize falling debris risk or collision in space gets shared yet we have been share quite a bit. I agree DJI is a good quality top in the field, but the type of tech, and its capabilities, i wouldnt even be upset if it was our product and china banned it because its obvious the possible risks. If not banned then highly regulated is where it needs to go. Consumers may get upset, but like they say, you can't always get what you want. On the otherhand, why dont we just do what they do, backwards engineer the technology and programming, clone, then market it under similar logos and make an exception and not enforce any copyright and just apologize its happening and that its out of our hands, or just dont respond to any inquiries on it, and just pull a china on china.
I was thinking about something the other day. I wonder how much money we send to China for the fireworks we light off to celebrate our independence. Seems kinda disturbing if you really think about it. Pretty sure we can make decent fireworks here instead of paying them to do it. Why don't the politicians do something about that?
I think there are a couple of realities that many don’t really realize the scope of. First, a massive percentage of consumer items are produced in China. Go into any room of your house, pick up any object at random, and see where it’s made. China won that battle a long time ago when American voters began to systematically favor big business over the people who pay the bills: the American consumer. And as everyday Americans get squeezed tighter and tighter every day, it’s really difficult to support the notion of someone buying a U.S. made widget for $100.00 when we could buy a widget of comparable or superior quality from China for $20.00 And yes, I threw out the possibility of it being of higher quality. China may have been a big joke in the manufacturing arena a few years ago in terms of quality and execution but they have come a long way, baby. Sure, there is still a lot of “Chineseum” junk out there, but China at large is now capable of competing with the best of the best in quality in virtually every market segment, and they’re doing it for pennies on the dollar of what it would take to do the same thing stateside.
Second, the security concerns posed by importing Chinese tech may not at all be overstated but in many respects that genie is out of the bottle and it ain’t going back in. What is the most sophisticated device that virtually every American has in their pocket right now? A smartphone. Gosh, I wonder where those are made? 🤔 I wonder how many satellites are in orbit right now that have the capability of monitoring most all communications on the planet? Many. Are they all ours? Come on…
I guess for those who are fuming after having read this, I’d certainly have to suggest that you pick up another hobby, because virtually everything in the RC hobby is made in China, just like everything else. The exceptions are notable, and the exceptions are expensive.
To say that DJI drones are creating a security threat to the United States is laughable in the greater scheme of things. This movement to ban them is indeed nothing more that protectionism, as is the current administrations efforts to tax Chinese EV’s to the point of oblivion.
If you’re into electric vehicles (and it doesn’t matter if you are or not, they will eventually comprise the vast majority of vehicle sales, and that’s going to happen sooner than later) then why would you buy an entry level U.S. EV for $50k when you can get a better one from China for $20k?
And let’s not forget how many of the components in a new “American” EV are being produced in China. 😉
The approach at this time should not be one of isolationism, sanctions, taxes, aggression and ill will against China. It should be an intelligent and friendly approach of coexistence to make the best of the monster that we have created.
Sorry for the tome.
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