Cison v8 thoughts?

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So i recently ordered the new cison v8 and I am wondering what everyone's thoughts are about it? Yes i know its expensive so i don't need to hear about the price tag, thats besides the point of getting it.

I'm wondering how its durability and practicality is when it comes to its endurance and possible uses in an actual rc build? I just ordered one last week so I'm anxious to get it put together. The main thing would be having it as a for show or to have to fire up whenever i feel like hearing that mini v8 rumble, but i wouldn't mind having an actual rc running it. Any thoughts, recommendations, or experiences would be welcome and appreciated!

I also have a 32cc 4 cylinder inline 4 stroke but that i could never get running, but i am close to it actually now, but last attempt i snapped the spark plug so I'm waiting on its replacement before i can work on it again. I guess it has rubber o rings which I'm guessing may be the issue besides the timing but as far as timing I'm getting that dialed in. Got a new distributor and now its showing a little more life than it didnt any previous fiddlings i did with it.
I don't know of any other member here with one of their engines, so you'll have to fill us in. Looks pretty cool though. I see they have different ones. Which one did you get?
I got the regular chevy v8 with the raised heads. Not the flatbead one. Though on this v8 it i believe is a chevy v8 replica besides the altenator which would normally sit on the rear of the engine but this one has it installed on the front which doesn't look bad. If i do end up building a rc with it ill update on that. Currently I'm still building a f35 vtol jet with 2 70mm jp edf as the powerhouse. Been a fun but at times annoying with the whole 3d printing part of it and getting consistant prints.
I got the regular chevy v8 with the raised heads. Not the flatbead one. Though on this v8 it i believe is a chevy v8 replica besides the altenator which would normally sit on the rear of the engine but this one has it installed on the front which doesn't look bad. If i do end up building a rc with it ill update on that. Currently I'm still building a f35 vtol jet with 2 70mm jp edf as the powerhouse. Been a fun but at times annoying with the whole 3d printing part of it and getting consistant prints.
You gotta share a thread and some pics of the jet. That sounds super cool!
Will do ill get some pics together of what I've done so far and make a thread on it and posta link here with it. I got the models from a guy making it on youtube and he had some weight issues with it and so instead of reprinting it constantly because the weight of infill and stability and duration of flight depending on it, I'm gonna make a mold out of the model once I'm fully printed out of fiberglass and then once thats done ill be able to hopefully fill or inject the mold with a very light yet durable enough eps foam and cut out what i dont need and any servo areas for a solid chassis thats light. The lw pla melts to easily in the sun after it a bsorbs a bit of the suns rays which is always beating down here all year. So foam will be better. Spendy build but i goy certified and been training for flying it. Bought a a10 warthog and p51d mustang to practice/learn with, though the jet will actually have two smaller edf engines in wings for stability so when in hover mode itll fly more like a drone but once transitioned, fly like a fixed wing.

Here's some teasers


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